Political Economy Today
Political Economy Today
Ep.03: Gains for US Labour & Importance of Worker Organizing

Ep.03: Gains for US Labour & Importance of Worker Organizing

In this episode, furniture giant IKEA sees the light and decides to throw workers a bone while an important wage theft ordinance in Denver, CO shows the importance of worker-focused legislation

The first piece covered in this episode ‘IKEA’s Genius Plan: Pay Workers More to Keep Them’ comes to us from David Moscorp, writing at Jacobin. The piece discusses the novel idea of paying workers decent wages and providing decent working conditions to reduce quit rates; but while such gains are welcome, the article emphasizes that broader structural change can only come from worker organizing.

Supplementary article from Understanding Society (affiliated with the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex) on poverty in the UK.

The second piece, also for Jacobin, is titled ‘Anti-Wage-Theft Laws Are Kryptonite to Dishonest Bosses’ and comes to us from journalist Joe Mayall. The article covers the success of the Anti-Wage-Theft Ordiance in Dever, CO and points to an important organizing platform for the Left.

Political Economy Today
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